Dream Team
Saturdays @ 5 PM
Mather Tranquility Room
We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping — in the realm of the unconscious. The dream world can be bizarre, frightening, fascinating, and at times perfuses the real world with more meaning. Dreams have been studied across many disciplines — psychology, philosophy, literature, neuroscience — and, in more recent years, artists and technologists have begun to develop methods for interacting with our dreams.
Dream Team meets weekly to explore and experiment with contemporary ideas in subconscious creativity and collective dreaming, with the goal of developing holistic methods and technologies that might support dream incubation, lucid dreaming, dream recall, and other dream-related phenomena. Team members will also engage in dinners and workshops with leading dream researchers.
- We are a learning community with a focus on experimentation: everyone comes from different backgrounds here. Nobody here is an expert, we all have a lot to learn from each other, and a lot to learn by doing. We’ll explore different topics as we go, and we encourage group members to propose their own activities/topics/design dream experiments for us to try together
- This group will push you outside your comfort (and conscious) zone. Things might feel uncomfortable or strange to try at first. We ask that you give activities your best shot
- Be engaged and ready to really listen to each other. When sharing dreams, the person sharing dream will get all the attention. If you respond, respond from your own point of view (“If this were my dream…”). The person who had the dream is the final arbiter of what (if anything) the dream means.
- Do not discuss the content of anyone elses’ dreams outside this group, or your opinions on someones’ dreams outside this group
Schedule (updated as we go along)
10/14: Discussion: dream recall, interpretation, journaling & dreamsharing best practices
10/21: Demos: Lucid dreaming & demos of lucid dreaming experiment stimuli
10/28: Dreamover: Dream incubation
10/29: Dinner: with Prof. Deirdre Barrett to discuss dream incubation & dream art
11/3: Casual dream discussion
11/11: Machine Learning and Dreams, brainstorming on group dream documentation
11/19: Dreamsgiving Dinner: Contactless Hypnagogic Dream Incubation
Week of 11/27: Adam Haar Horowitz, inventor
December-January: building the Dormio device
-Dreams and storytelling session
-Joining an international dream collective’s dream experience
-Dinner with Robert Stickgold on the cognitive neuroscience of dreams
Dream Team
Aida BaradariSid Bharthulwar
Alice Cai
Emma Fang
Jacqueline Liu
Chloe Loughridge
Adam Mohamed
Ostap Stefak (co-lead)
Roseanne Strategos
Tomas Winegar
Peggy Yin (co-lead)
To join, email info@confluxcollective.org